Ramblings of a Leatherboy 10.27.15

In this new series I am going to talk about various situations that impacted my life through the years both before and since becoming a leatherboy. There will be at least one post in this series a week and sometimes more.

I came to the leather community in October of 1998 a fresh faced 19 year old looking for direction and structure.. Did I know at the time that, 17 years down the road, I would have two pups and a boy under collar? I can honestly say the answer is no. I thought I was going to live the rest of my life as a submissive..

I have to say I entered the community at the most opportune time because the cycle of death in my bio family started just a few months after SIR collared me.. I endured, with the help of SIR and the friends I made, the deaths of my great grandfather, grandfather,aunt, uncle and twin brother all in just two calender years (1999 and 2000).. I managed to survive only to get hit in late 2001 with the deaths of real dad and the uncle who made dual citizenship for me a reality.. One death every three months for two years.. No wonder why alcohol makes me so skittish

There have been times where I have thought about hanging up the leathers forever.. Those thoughts have come on very strong over the last two years since I was working so much.. However when I moved to Cleveland I was able to work a few hours a day from home and not travel as much.. Every so often I would have to travel but not as much as I did from 2004 to 2012..

Speaking of Cleveland I had originally thought I had found my forever relationship.. As it turns out it was not to be because of the presence of my now ex boyfriend’s ex.. He caused so many problems for me and Tom that it got to the point in May where it turned violent..

Do I regret what I did?? No I don’t.. Even though I ended up in the back of a squad car I will never have any regrets and here is the reason why: I will finally get to see my parents in a few weeks after nearly 15 months and I will actually be moving to California to be with the man of my life just after the new year..

SIR passed away in May of 2009 and I had never felt so lost before in my life.. I served him for nearly 11 years and I will say it was the best most satisfying 11 years of my life.. Now I was on my own but I had a fine leather family to lead and help move on.. I will say had it just been me collared to him I may have ended on the day he died to be with him forever..

Looking back, perhaps with rose colored glasses, I can see that I have made a difference in the world.. A difference in my little corner of this vast world.. I can truly see that I still have a lot to give and, by jove, I will give it..

My boyfriend and I are going to start a small business when we are together forever.. We are both passionate about the culinary arts and are going to do something with it.. We both hope to open a food truck in downtown LA.. I am thinking call it the Kilted Cub in honor of my boyfriend

The future is bright and the leathers will not stay on the hangers for long.. LA will be home.. LA will be where I live, where I work and where I love.. I can see a very bright future ahead for me..